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Bloomhill News

Student plans healthy cookbook for Bloomhill community

By August 18, 2022No Comments

University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) nutrition student Jennine Luxmoore will be using a placement at Bloomhill to scope the process for developing a Bloomhill community-centred cookbook and nutrition resource.

She begins her placement in August 2022.

“I am curious to talk with staff and clients on their personal journeys and experiences with cancer, and gain knowledge on aspects which affect consumption of food, including overall nutrition and health,” Jennine said.

“Any tips or favourite recipes from clients would be wonderful to begin with, particularly recipes that helped them through their own experience.”

Jennine’s vision for the cookbook is for it to be developed by the Bloomhill community for the Bloomhill community.

“It will include lived experiences and tips to help people with food consumption and health and wellbeing during the cancer journey.”

Jennine is undertaking a Bachelor of Nutrition with a minor in Nutritional Science, and is hoping to complete a Bachelor in Biomedical Science with a minor in Biotechnology in the next couple of years.

“As my studies in nutrition continue, I am finding the courses that I attend so interesting,” Jennine said.

“In particular, the concept of molecular nutrition research and the effects of nutrients and foods on whole body physiology and health status at a molecular and cellular level. Life expectancy is increasing and I believe that all populations can benefit from optimised nutrition to reduce incidences of chronic disease including various cancers.”

She sees the focus of nutritional science on preventing development of disease and supporting health and wellbeing.

“Caring for someone with cancer requires useful information and resources and it can help to understand more about nutrition and how to eat well before, during, or after cancer treatment. Access to healthy food needs to be enjoyed by all.”

The project will focus on scoping the process of developing a Bloomhill community-centred cookbook and nutrition resource.

“The scoping process will involve consulting with key stakeholders including Bloomhill staff, clients, and families to identify the key content to be included in the resource,” Jennine said.

“This may involve conducting structured interviews and focus groups with the identified key stakeholders. At the completion of the project, I will develop a concept for the cookbook and outline a timeline of activities for future nutrition projects to complete the resource.”

Another USC student is envisaged to continue the project early next year in the first semester of university.