Many of the community health services offered to those touched by cancer at our Buderim wellness centre are also available to the community.

By choosing to receive allied health, mental health, fitness or wellness assistance at our beautiful, forested wellness centre, you will also help Bloomhill raise funds to provide subsidised, personalised support for those touched by cancer.

Services available to the public are:

  • Lymphoedema Services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Dietetics
  • Acupuncture
  • Facial
  • Massage (remedial or relaxation)
  • Reflexology
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Counselling with a registered psychologist
  • Exercise physiology
  • SOZO assessment

To view costs please see our fee schedule – click here.

To access our services available to the community, please fill out this form or call on 07 5445 5794 for further information.

SOZO Assessment

If you have been considered ‘at risk’ of lymphoedema, or have received previous diagnosis of lymphoedema, we encourage you to visit the clinic for a lymphoedema wellness check.

Lymphoedema Nurse Debbie Myers said the SOZO machine enables digital measurement of a number of body indicators, including lymphatic flow. If you have never had a bioelectrical impedance analysis or it has been an extended period since your last bioimpedance scan – this is the perfect opportunity for a review. No need to book! Just turn up.

We offer many services to meet your needs. If you have received a cancer diagnosis, are a carer of someone touched by cancer, are a GP or health professional or seeking bereavement support, please select the relevant link below.