Leaving a gift in will to Bloomhill helps us to support our clients experiencing a new cancer diagnosis, those on their wellness and survivorship journey, as well as families and carers we also support.

We often find many people wish to leave a gift in will because of the beautiful loving care experiences they receive/d from our nurses and therapists, special friendships made, and also the loving community they have at Bloomhill.

To enquire about making a significant donation, or leaving a gift in your will, please contact [email protected]

Sample wording for your will

We are often asked example wording on how people can include Bloomhill in their Will. Please find two examples below to assist you to best express your gift intentions.

Example 1

To donate a percentage of your estate:

“I give to Bloomhill Cancer Care Ltd (ABN 20 178 311 981), currently of 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim in the State of Queensland, for its general purposes, free of all duties % of my residuary estate (e.g. 1, 2, or 5%) for which an authorised receipt from the treasurer or proper officer for the time being of Bloomhill Cancer Care will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

To donate the residue of your estate:

“I give to Bloomhill Cancer Care (ABN 20 178 311 981 ), currently of 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim in the State of Queensland, for its general purposes, free of all duties the residue of my estate for which an authorised receipt from the treasurer or proper officer for the time being of Bloomhill Cancer Care will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

To donate a specific sum:

“I give to Bloomhill Cancer Care (ABN 20 178 311 981 ), currently of 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim in the State of Queensland, for its general purposes, free of all duties the sum of ($ sum in words) ($ sum in numbers) for which an authorised receipt from the treasurer or proper officer for the time being of Bloomhill Cancer Care will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

Example 2

For a gift for the general purposes of Bloomhill Cancer Care: 

“I give (my whole estate) or (specific percentage of my estate) or (specific assets) or (the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $ ___) to Bloomhill Cancer Care, currently of 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim in the State of Queensland, for its general purposes. I declare that an authorised receipt from the treasurer or proper officer for the time being of Bloomhill Cancer Care will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

For a gift for a specific purpose at Bloomhill Cancer Care:

“I give (my whole estate) or (specific percentage of my estate) or (specific assets) or (the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $ ___) to Bloomhill Cancer Care, currently of 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim in the State of Queensland, for its general purposes. I express the wish but without creating any binding trust that if practicable this gift be applied towards (state purposes as widely as possible). I declare that an authorised receipt from the treasurer or proper officer for the time being of Bloomhill Cancer Care will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

For a gift for directed purpose at Bloomhill Cancer Care:

“I give (my whole estate) or (specific percentage of my estate) or (specific assets) or (the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $ ___) to Bloomhill Cancer Care, currently of 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim in the State of Queensland, for (state purposes as widely as possible). I declare that an authorised receipt from the treasurer or proper officer for the time being of Bloomhill Cancer Care will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

Additional resources 

For additional guidance on how to leave a gift to Charity in your Will visit:

For more information and guidance on creating a Will visit: