Bloomhill Cancer Care can assist with the diagnosis, treatment, recovery from cancer or end-of-life through practical, emotional, physical and spiritual support for both the person diagnosed and their loved ones and carers.

Accessing help is as easy as picking up the phone or dropping in to talk with the staff to find out more about client services.

Referrals can be made by the client’s health care professional, or self- referrals are also welcome. After a brief discussion with the Centre Presence Nurse, an initial appointment is made with one of Bloomhill’s nurses to complete a personalised assessment of needs. If you believe you know what services what you require, please speak to reception at initial enquiry, e.g., counselling.

This is a chance to ask questions, seek accurate information and create a care plan which offers each client the appropriate level of support.

Bloomhill understands the importance of providing time to discuss the impact cancer has on both the person diagnosed and their families.

Appointments are booked with time to discuss any concerns or issues without the feeling of being rushed.

The daily schedule is planned to allow clients to attend two or more activities as well as have time for a coffee and chat in the cafė. Bloomhill clients can choose to take part in a range of group activities or individual therapies.

To view a fee schedule for all care services please click here.

Clinical Nursing Services

Our qualified cancer care nurses are passionate about supporting clients to receive the very best care and treatment throughout their journey with cancer.

We follow best practice frameworks, providing up to date research and evidence in managing cancer. Through our nurses, clients will gain access to the right advice, at the right time.

Allied Health Services

Exercise Physiology

Our accredited exercise physiologist has specialist training to assist clients with understanding the importance of exercise for their particular situation and needs, and prescribing the appropriate exercise to meet those needs.

Over the past decade multiple studies have evaluated the role of exercise prior to cancer treatment, during treatment and after treatment.

Counselling and Psychology

We understand the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing for patients and family when cancer is diagnosed, or when something changes.

Our specialist psycho oncology services provide a range of options to assist people in dealing with cancer diagnosis, progression of disease, or other changes that require adapting to a ‘new normal.’ Our nurses also provide sensitive care, advice and referrals to assist end of life care.

Our care of family members doesn’t end with the death of a loved one. As well as ongoing support from our nurses we offer individual counselling, and provide an annual remembrance service.

Nutrition and Dietetics

A student-led pop-up dietetic clinic provides free nutritional advice which can help with side effects related to cancer treatment. The student clinic can also provide guidance about what foods or supplements can improve or maintain energy levels, decrease fatigue and assist recovery.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine. When provided for people with cancer it has beneficial outcomes in reduction of cancer related pain and when used in combination with conventional drug therapy this effect is enhanced. There is also some potential for acupuncture to be effective for chemo-therapy induced peripheral neuropathy (a side effect of cancer treatment) and may provide benefit for chemotherapy induced nausea, although further research into this is needed.

Mind & Body Services

We offer a range of evidence-based complementary therapies which assist and support patients, families and carers.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Research shows meditation or mindfulness can reduce anxiety, depression fatigue and stress and improve quality of life. It can also reduce psychological distress and pain. Our Mindfulness Based Cancer Recovery Program is offered each year and our group meditation classes provide clients with opportunities to practice regularly in a group setting with the help of one of our teachers.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is one of the most popular activities at Bloomhill. It provides an opportunity for social interaction as well as a therapeutic space for clients to process some of the thoughts and feelings related to their experience of living with cancer. Research supports the benefits of art therapy in having a beneficial effect on anxiety, depression and fatigue, it has also been found to have a positive effect on quality of life and symptoms in cancer patients.

Touch Therapies

Touch therapies Bloomhill offers, such as reflexology and oncology massage, have been proven to help in the management of cancer related pain, fatigue and anxiety. These approaches were chosen to form part of our support offerings because of a wealth of scientific literature demonstrating the benefits, but we also observe their effectiveness every day.


Yoga is a powerful form of mind and body exercise and has been found to be beneficial for several physical and psychological symptoms, and studies of women with breast cancer have shown that yoga can improve quality of life, reduce fatigue and sleep disturbances and can assist in improving health generally and managing treatment related side effects.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine. When provided for people with cancer it has beneficial outcomes in reduction of cancer related pain and when used in combination with conventional drug therapy this effect is enhanced. There is also some potential for acupuncture to be effective for chemo-therapy induced peripheral neuropathy (a side effect of cancer treatment) and may provide benefit for chemotherapy induced nausea, although further research into this is needed.

Assistance Services

We offer a range of evidence-based complementary therapies which assist and support patients, families and carers.

Client Transport Service

Our volunteers provide safe and compassionate transfer services for clients (and carers) to and from cancer treatment, medical appointments and services provided at the Buderim wellness centre.

Send a client or patient referral to Bloomhill.