Bloomhill Cancer Care can assist with the diagnosis, treatment, recovery from cancer or end-of-life through practical, emotional, physical and spiritual support for both the person diagnosed and their loved ones and carers.
Accessing help is as easy as picking up the phone or dropping in to talk with the staff to find out more about client services.
Referrals can be made by the client’s health care professional, or self- referrals are also welcome. After a brief discussion with the Centre Presence Nurse, an initial appointment is made with one of Bloomhill’s nurses to complete a personalised assessment of needs. If you believe you know what services what you require, please speak to reception at initial enquiry, e.g., counselling.
This is a chance to ask questions, seek accurate information and create a care plan which offers each client the appropriate level of support.
Bloomhill understands the importance of providing time to discuss the impact cancer has on both the person diagnosed and their families.
Appointments are booked with time to discuss any concerns or issues without the feeling of being rushed.
The daily schedule is planned to allow clients to attend two or more activities as well as have time for a coffee and chat in the cafė. Bloomhill clients can choose to take part in a range of group activities or individual therapies.
To view a fee schedule for all care services please click here.