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Bloomhill NewsClinical Care

New Service: Welcome Sex Therapist Mia

By January 9, 2023No Comments

We warmly welcome Mia Harris, who will be joining the Bloomhill team this month, offering our new sex therapy service.

Previously a registered nurse, Mia has gone on to study a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and a Master of Medicine (Sexual and reproductive health: psychosexual therapy stream), making her a qualified doctor and sex therapist. She is also a senior lecturer at the School of Medicine, Griffith University on the Sunshine Coast, where she manages problem-based learning and teaches communication skills.

“Prior to becoming a doctor, I was a registered nurse and I have worked in oncology and haematology,” she said.

Mia’s extensive qualifications include a Master of Medicine (psychosexual therapy) from the University of Sydney in 2022, a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery in 2010 at the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Nursing at Queensland University of Technology in 2004.

Outside of sex therapy consultations, Mia spends her time as an avid practising artist. Art therapy is also an addition Mia often finds comfortable bringing into part of her practice.

She said, “My sex therapy practice is inclusive and welcoming of all people, regardless of gender, sexuality, relationship structure, ethnicity or religion.”

“My medical and nursing background means that I have a solid understanding of cancer, it’s treatments and it’s effects. I have also been on journeys with close family members and dear friends who have had cancer.”

Mia derives joy from working with people, listening to, and learning from their stories, and being of service.

“My professional and personal experiences of being with people who have cancer and are undergoing treatment draws me to working for Bloomhill,” she said.

“A cancer diagnosis is life-changing, and the effect it has on a person and their partner’s sexuality and relationship can be enormous.”

“Unfortunately, these issues are often not discussed or addressed for people, and I hope that I am able to provide a safe and supportive space for people to speak about the impact that their diagnosis and treatment is having on their sexuality.”

Mia uses an eclectic and collaborative approach to psychotherapy and counselling and is guided by what fits for every person that she works with.

Mia works with people who want to talk about the effect of cancer, surgery, chronic disease or sexually transmitted infections on their sexual identity and relationships.

She also works with people (individuals and couples) who are experiencing sexual issues that are impacting significantly on their lives:

  • painful sex
  • premature ejaculation
  • decreased desire for sex
  • a mismatch of libido between people in a relationship
  • problems with achieving or maintaining erections
  • sexual shame
  • concerns around the ability to orgasm

Her focus is supporting people navigate the effect of different life stages and events on their sexuality, sexual function and relationships.

“I find listening to people’s stories and helping them try to make sense of them is very fulfilling,” she said.

“It is amazing that we all share the common thread of humanity, but we all interpret and experience life in such varied ways.”

We are excited to introduce this new service to Bloomhill, allowing Mia to bring her wealth of knowledge to support clients who might find her practice beneficial.

“The philosophy behind Bloomhill is special and I hope to contribute to it in a positive manner.”

This service is also available as a new community offering (no referral required) for those who would like to enquire.

To make an appointment with Mia, please call our friendly team on 07 5445 5794 or email [email protected].

Mia will be available every Monday at our Wellness Centre in Buderim. We look forward to welcoming her to the team when she commences on 30th January 2023.