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Bloomhill NewsClinical Care

Living well with cancer: Carers need support too

By August 20, 2024No Comments

When someone you love or care for is diagnosed with cancer, it can feel as if you have been diagnosed too.

There are so many things that will change. These include the possible change in roles, the change in finances; and in a way, the change in the relationship you once shared. Furthermore, there is the monitoring of symptoms and possible adverse treatment effects (Cancer Council, 2023). You have now become the carer with all the stresses that may come with it. All of these changes may also cause anxiety and fear for the future, along with a host of other emotional and psychological issues that occur as a consequence. In fact, becoming a carer is in many ways like a fulltime job and the corresponding stress can have a significant impact on your mental health if not managed (Girgis et al., 2012). For this reason, it is important to find ways to cope.

Bloomhill offers a range of services that can help carers manage the emotional and psychological stresses that may be experienced. These services include counselling, psychotherapy, exercise classes, facials and various group classes. Please see the Bloomhill Cancer Care services that can support you at: https://bloomhill.com.au/services/what-we-offer/


Cancer Council. (2023). Caring for someone with Cancer. Cancer Council. https://www.cancer.org.au/assets/pdf/caring-for-someone-with-cancer-booklet
Girgis, A., Lambert, S., Johnson, C., & Currow, D. (2012). “Physical, psychological, relationship, and economic burden of caring for people with cancer: a review.” Health Care Delivery, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.1200/JOP.2012.000690


Please contact our Nurses on 07 5445 5794 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

All information provided by Bloomhill is mainly based on research from the Qld Cancer Council and best practice guidelines. Our model of care utilizes the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) domains of wellness along with available clinical evidence. Always consult your care team regarding matters that affect your health. This is a guide intended for information only.