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Bloomhill News

Leanne celebrates 20 years with Bloomhill

By August 29, 2022September 4th, 2022No Comments

By Jan Richards.

With more than 20 years’ service in Bloomhill op shops under her belt Leanne Painter has seen many changes, but it’s the cause and the friendships that keep her coming back.

“Every day I go to work I know I’m working for a good cause,” Leanne said, “and I know the people I work with are all there for the same reason, and to have some fun. That’s always very important, you can’t just work, you’ve got to have fun as well.”

Leanne has worked in Caloundra, Buderim, Mooloolaba and Maroochydore Op Shops and at the Distribution Centre. She is currently Retail Assistant at Caloundra and Maroochydore Op Shops. She has also volunteered countless hours along the way.

Like many Bloomhill employees and volunteers Leanne has a personal connection to cancer.

“In the beginning it was because my father had cancer,” she said. “My sister had breast cancer and my husband had cancer as well. My father has passed away but the others are ok, they’re still doing the journey.”

Although her family members have not been in a position to access Bloomhill services Leanne said through the op shops she has had contact with many customers and volunteers who have.

“People who come into the shop often talk about their experience, they want to give back. They always have high regard for Bloomhill,” Leanne said.

Leanne said every day is different working in an Op Shop.

“You never know what’s ahead, it’s always exciting. We get donations through, which is great. Everyone says Bloomhill is a great organisation and that’s why they like to give.”

Aside from the cause the other positive in working for Bloomhill is the people Leanne has the pleasure of working with.

“I have known a lot of volunteers, many have a connection with cancer or want to give back because of a family member who has been helped by Bloomhill.”

She said many friendships develop between volunteers that extend outside their hours at the shops, and there is also the problem solving as they sort stock for the shelves or share a cup of tea.

“Everyone will help solve some problem, everyone has an opinion,” she said.

Leanne said the volunteers who are there as part of their Centrelink requirements – people from 55 to retirement age not in the workforce – may not have volunteered before.

“Once they start they actually love it and it becomes an interest, they know it’s for a good cause,” she said. “They are usually really committed and treat it as more of a work situation, they know people are depending on them. A lot of people once they get past Centrelink still continue.”

Leanne works in Maroochydore Op Shop every Thursday and in Caloundra on Friday and Saturday – and fills in when necessary.

“When I go to work I always want to know, ‘What’s news?’.  We have a good catch-up time and enjoy the friendship.”

There’s also the desire to have a good day sales-wise among both staff and volunteers.

“Everyone loves to do well, we try hard to do well for the organisation.”

Bloomhill is privileged to have had Leanne’s efforts working for them and thank her for her years of service.

Author: Jan Richards  Photos: Nicky Moffat  Published: 4 September 2022