Massage is one of the most commonly used complimentary therapies, frequently used to relieve stress, muscular pain and tightness and tension. Remedial massage can assist with speeding up the body’s own healing process and involves pressure applied mainly to muscles. This type of massage is available for Bloomhill carers, but not suitable for clients with a cancer diagnosis. Oncology massage is a specialised form of massage that is provided for our clients which can assist them to relax, experience gentle touch, relieve pain and discomfort and feel more positive generally.
Bloomhill oncology massage therapists acquire extensive specialised experience and training which assists them in creating tailored massage therapy for each of their cancer clients. Prior to creating an individualised treatment plan, the oncology massage therapist gives consideration to the side effects of a patient’s cancer treatments; physical and emotional changes; physical limitations. Strict protocols are observed when creating a treatment plan for each client, these protocols are important both during active treatment and well into survivorship phase. Protocols include identifying the areas of the body which are safe to massage, pressure and depth of the massage and appropriate positioning for maximum comfort on the table. Oncology massage gently mobilises the fascia which softens the muscle tissues and assists with relief of aches and pains. Research has shown this technique can provide as much relief as conventional massage as well as eliciting a deep state of relaxation.
The benefits of oncology touch therapy are frequently reported by clients. Therapeutic touch is purported to improve the sleep duration and quality of patients undergoing active treatment; it enhances relaxation and provides feelings of peace and security with many clients reporting that they experiencing reductions in common treatment side effects such as nausea, anxiety, depression, pain, and fatigue.