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Careers at Bloomhill
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Wellness Centre & Cafe
Op Shops
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Cotton Tree Markets
The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia
I’ve been diagnosed with cancer
I’m a carer of someone with cancer
I’ve lost someone to cancer
I’m in survivorship
I’m a doctor / health professional
I’m interested in services available to the public
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Wellness Care Plan
Our Nursing Team
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Counselling and Psychology
Exercise Physiology
Group Activities
Lymphoedema Support (BLISS)
Oncology Massage and Reflexology
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Trading Name
Postal Address
B/H Phone
A/H or Mobile
License Plate
Email Address
Social Media & URLs
My Products/services meet the following criteria:
Arts & Crafts, or other artisanal product.
Product or service that is unique to the precinct; i.e., there are no traders who sell the products or services.
Products with exclusive distribution rights, and are not available through a commercial outlet.
Incubation and/or invention.
Significantly reconditioned products.
Collectables of a high quality.
Your application for a stall in the Cotton Tree Market will be assessed against the vision for the market to become a distinctive art and craft market. In keeping with this theme, approximately 70% of the markets product mix will be allocated to stallholders who demonstrate 100% artisan products, locally designed and/or made. The remaining 30% of the product mix will be allocated to products or services that may not necessarily be of an artisan nature. Your product will also be considered against duplication and the standard of product to ensure the market maintains quality and diversity in the type of goods permissible. Please read the product criteria in your terms and conditions and declare all products you intend to sell. To avoid delays ensure you attach support materials for your product and proof of design and/or handmade processes e.g. product examples, photos, online links, biography and/or proof of exclusive distribution rights. A written description alone is not sufficient.
My Products/services meet the following criteria any of the following categories: Art and Craft; Product or service is unique to the precinct i.e. there are no traders who sell the products or services; Incubation and invention; Significantly reconditioned products; Collectables of a high quality. Additionally our markets are only able to sell packaged take home food stuffs.
Product Description:
Food & Produce Stalls
No, I will not be selling food.
Yes, I will be selling food.
If you are selling food, you must send a copy of your food licence, and your food safety supervisor attainment to this application. For more information, please refer to the attached terms and conditions.
Liability Insurance: Company Name
Liability Insurance: Policy Number
Liability Insurance: Amount of Cover
All Stallholders are required to hold a public liability of not less than $20 Million dollars that endorses the operation of an outdoor market. Bloomhill Cancer Help must be noted as an interested party. Please note: without appropriate Public Liability Insurance, you will not be able to operate a stall at the Cotton Tree Market.
Liability Insurance: Policy Due Date
I have read and understand the terms and conditions (link below), retained a copy for my records, and if my application is approved, I agree to comply with all regulations governing the Cotton Tree Market
I Agree
A full copy of the terms and conditions is available here.
I have emailed supporting materials for my product description.
I Agree
I have emailed a certificate of currency for public liability insurance.
I Agree
If applicable, I have emailed a copy of my Food License and Food Safety Supervisor Attainment.
I Agree
I have read and understand the terms and conditions and retained a copy for my records and if my application is approved, I agree to comply with all regulations governing the Cotton Tree Markets.
I Agree
Submit Application
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About Us
How we deliver cancer care
Model of Care
Clinical Advisory Group
Lived Experience Group
Our History
Our Future
Our People
Our Care Team
Our Practitioners
Patron and Board
Key Personnel
Careers at Bloomhill
Our Locations
Wellness Centre & Cafe
Op Shops
Online Store
Cotton Tree Markets
The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia
I’ve been diagnosed with cancer
I’m a carer of someone with cancer
I’ve lost someone to cancer
I’m in survivorship
I’m a doctor / health professional
I’m interested in services available to the public
Resource Library
Services Directory
What we offer
Wellness Care Plan
Our Nursing Team
Refer to Bloomhill
Counselling and Psychology
Exercise Physiology
Group Activities
Lymphoedema Support (BLISS)
Oncology Massage and Reflexology
Support Groups
Our Client Calendar
Stories from our clients
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